TLC Club Constitution

The Last Chancers Club Constitution

1.0 Identity

1.1 The club will be called The Last Chancers

1.2 The club is an inclusive gaming club. By gaming, we do not mean any casino/slot machine gaming.

2.0 Purpose

2.1 To provide opportunities for members to enjoy their gaming hobby and specifically in the areas of board games, war games, card games and role playing games.

3.0 Membership

3.1 Membership to the club is open to anyone who meets the age requirement. Anyone wishing to join must contact one of the Club Officials and provide their name and email address, confirm they are over 18 or have the consent of a parent or guardian and pay the appropriate membership fee.

3.1.1 The decision to accept or decline a new member shall be made according to the club’s Vetting Policy.

3.1.2 The club board can modify and update the vetting policy by the club board majority vote. All changes to the Vetting Policy must be communicated to the club members at least 7 days before taking effect.

3.1.3 The club’s Vetting Policy shall be available on the club’s official communication platforms and upon request.

3.2 A record of current members and their contact information shall be kept by the board, according to the club’s Privacy Policy.

3.2.1 At any time, any person may request access to the board’s records of their own information 

3.2.2 At any time, any person may request that their information on record is corrected.

3.2.3 At any time, any person may request that their information is removed from the record.

3.2.4 If any information of past members is kept, it will automatically be removed after one month.

3.2.5 If a current member of the club makes the removal request as per 3.2.3, they accept the termination of their membership as retention of personal information is a requirement for continuing membership.

3.2.6 The club’s Privacy Policy shall be available on the club’s official communication platforms and upon request.

3.2.7 The club board can modify and update the Privacy Policy by the club board majority vote. All changes to the Privacy Policy must be communicated to the club members at least 7 days before taking effect.

3.3 Individuals must be 18 years old or more to become a member of the club. Likewise, Club Officials must be 18 years old or older.

3.4 A member of the Club shall cease to be a member:

         (a) If they resign as a member by notice sent to the Secretary;

         (b) If they shall be in default for a period of three months in the payment of any subscription or other contribution payable by them to the Club;

          (c) if they should be expelled from membership in accordance with a breach of the clubs rules.

3.5 If a member is expelled the member shall receive a refund of any outstanding subscription or contribution paid previously by them, starting from the next billing month.

4.0 Club Assets

4.1 The assets of the club (gaming equipment, cash in hand and cash at the bank) belong to the members.

4.2 If the club ever closes the assets will be distributed to the current members as evenly as possible.  

5.0 Club Officials

5.1 A Club Official is a club member who holds the role of Club Leader, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Officer or Social media Officer.

5.1.1 The Officials listed above constitute the Club Board.

5.2 Decisions involving expenditure in excess of 100 Euros or which involve a change to the Club Rules will be made by majority vote of club members at a normal meeting. Club Official may make decisions on day to day running and expenditure of up to 100 Euros

5.3 At the AGM the members will appoint a Club Leader, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Officer and Social media Officer.

5.3.1 Nominations may be submitted no sooner than 28 days before an AGM and no later than 14 days before an AGM.

5.4 A minimum of one official will be present at each club meeting. 

5.5 Any member of the club can volunteer to be a Marshal.

5.5.1 The decision to accept a person as a Marshal lies with the Club Board. The Club board is responsible for helping the member to understand their responsibilities as a Marshal, and making sure the resources such as the Marshal Handbook are available.

5.5.2 A Marshal acts as a supervisors during club activities, when no Board members are present but are not members of the Board themselves.

5.5.3 The actions and conduct of Marshals is regulated by the Marshal’s Handbook document.

6.0 Club Funds

6.1 There will be three signatories to the club bank account, one of whom will be the club Treasurer. Any two of the signatories must sign club cheques and make cash withdrawals.

6.2 The Treasurer will keep a record of transactions on club funds showing all credits, debits and current balance. The record will be available for inspection by any club member.

6.3 A receipt will be obtained for all club expenditure, checked by the Treasurer and retained for audit purposes. If the Treasurer commits expenditure then the receipt will be checked by a different signatory.

6.5 The club year will run from January 1st to December 31st

7.0 Voting and club decisions

7.1 Decisions regarding the club, including amendment of club rules, will be made by majority vote at normal club meetings.

7.2 The Club Leader will act as Chair for meetings and the Club Secretary will keep a record of decisions taken at club meetings. The record will be available for inspection by any club member.

7.3 Only current, paying members may vote on club matters at meetings.

7.4 There will be an Annual General meeting, held once per year to discuss the general direction of the club and forthcoming events, as well as discuss and vote on any changes to the Club Rules and Officials.

7.4.1 Notice of an upcoming AGM must be given at least 28 days in advance. 

7.5   There will also be three other meetings, held quarterly throughout the year. To cover important voting ideas and keep club members up today with progress.

7.5.1   Notice of upcoming regular meetings must be given at least 14 days in advance.

7.5.2 An additional general meeting must be held if motioned for by no less than 10% of current club members. The meeting must be held no later than 28 days after the motion and must be announced with at least 7 days notice.

8.0 Communications 

8.1 By joining the club in accordance with section 3, the members express consent for the club to store and use the provided personal information to contact them in relation to club matters.

8.2 The email address ‘’ will be the primary method of contact, from the club to its members in regard to club news.

8.3 The club’s email, website and the community’s discord server will be the primary contact points between the club and the non-members in the community.

9.0 Standards of Conduct

9.1 Every club member and every guest of the club is bound by the club’s Code of Conduct.

9.2 The club’s Code of Conduct shall be available on the club’s official communication platforms and upon request.

9.2.1 The club board can modify and update the Code of Conduct by the club board majority vote. All changes to the Code of Conduct must be communicated to the club members at least 7 days before taking effect.

9.3 In case of a dispute at a club event or at a club property that is not covered by the Code of Conduct, the present club official or the club member nominated by the board shall have the power to make a decision regarding conduct that will be binding for the duration of the event.

9.3.1 Such decisions will then be reviewed by the board and the Code of Conduct will be amended accordingly.

10.0 Suspension of members and other disciplinary matters

10.1 Suspension of membership ensures that no situation in the Gaming Club arises which could cause further concern and/or compromise the reputation and image of the club and its members.

10.1.1 When an allegation is made that a Member has committed a serious criminal offence. In this case the Member must be suspended until Garda inquiries and any legal proceedings have been concluded. Club officials will support any Garda inquiries to the best of their ability.

10.1.2 The club board shall have the power to enforce the Club Rules, Policies, and the Code of Conduct through warnings, temporary membership suspension and termination of the membership.

10.1.3 In all events, the decisions made by the Club Officials are final. 

10.2 In the case of a timed suspension or a permanent expulsion from the club, an appeal of the suspension or expulsion may be considered by the board in accordance with the Vetting Policy.