Club Code of Conduct

General Provisions, Expectations and Policy

Everyone involved with The Last Chancers is expected to show respect towards the club members and guests, as well as venue staff, the general public, and the various communities associated with the club. This is a family-friendly environment; children will be present at many events and in the club venue, so please consider this in your conduct.

The Last Chancers is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for all members and guests, regardless of ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual identity or sexual orientation, neurodiversity, disability, physical ability or appearance, race, age or religion (this list is not exhaustive).

We do not tolerate harassment of club members or guests in any form. Behaviour that will be considered harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Intimidation, stalking, or following
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Unwelcome sexual attention
  • Comments intended to belittle, offend, or cause discomfort
  • Photographing or videoing members without their consent
  • Sustained disruption of talks, games or other events
  • Sexually graphic or otherwise inappropriate images in public spaces
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour

We require members and guests to follow this code in online interactions with the club (including the club mailings, Discord, and other online facilities), at all club venues and club-related social activities. In addition, we are bound by Irish Equality Law, which can be viewed here:

Members and guests who are asked to stop any harassing behaviour must comply immediately.


Online, before or after club events: you can report harassment and any other Code of Conduct violations to This email address is monitored by the Club Board. Alternatively, you can tag the @TLC Club Board role on Discord if the incident is happening on the club Discord, or DM any club members with the role above.

At a club event, such as a tournament, or at a regular gaming night at the club venue, a Club Board member OR a club member nominated by the Club Board (the Marshal) is responsible for enforcing the Code of Conduct. 

If someone has harassed you or breached this Code of Conduct in any way, or if you have witnessed or become aware that harassment or a Code of Conduct breach has taken place, please ask that person or persons to stop – as long as it is safe to do so and if you feel comfortable enough to make the request. To help us identify patterns of behaviour and possible repeat offenders, we would be grateful if you would also report the harassment to a Club Board member or the Marshal.

What happens after you make the report?

When taking an in-person report, the Board Member or Marshal will first ensure that you are safe and cannot be overheard. They may involve other club members to ensure your report is managed properly. Once you are safe, we’ll ask you to tell us about what happened, and what you would like to happen next. We understand this can be upsetting, but we’ll handle it as respectfully as possible and support you to the best of our ability. You can also bring another person to support you if you wish.

If you submit a report by email, our Club Board will respond to you as quickly as possible, and proceed at their discretion, based on the content, context and wishes expressed in your email.

However you choose to report an issue, you won’t be asked to confront anyone, and we will do our best to protect your identity if we take action as a result of your report. Details of your complaint will only be disclosed to the team or Club Board members who are dealing with it. We will keep you informed of the progress we’re making in handling the issue, and of any action we decide to take. We will take into account your views when deciding on that action. However, please be aware that, if you report a serious criminal matter, or we believe that you or someone else may be in danger, we may need to contact the Garda. We would take into account any concerns you may have around involving them.

The TLC Club team has the right to take any actions needed to keep our event a welcoming environment for all members and guests of the club. Measures taken may include warning the offender, mediating solutions between parties, or taking any other action the team considers necessary, up to and including expulsion from the event or suspending the membership of the offending persons, at our discretion.

Credit where it’s due: this CoC is largely based on WorldCon 2019 CoC which can be found here: